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Notice : FY BEd Admission 2023 (Click Here)



Name Prin. (Dr) Damle Seema Vivek
Qualification B.Sc, M.A.(Marathi),M.Ed.,Ph.D.,D.S.M.
Experience 25Years (P.M.C.School) + 16 Years
Scale of Pay AS per UGC Norms
Resume resume

Name Dr. Bhalerao Trupti Prasad
Qualification M.A.(Psychology,Marathi) M.Ed ,Ph.D., D.S.M.
Experience 14 Years
Scale of Pay AS per UGC Norms
Resume resume

Name Dr. Ranpise Suvarna Dnyandeo
Qualification M.Sc.( Polymer Chemistry) M.A. (English) M.Ed.,
Experience 13 Years
Scale of Pay AS per UGC Norms
Resume resume

Name Ms. Jadhav Sonali Krishnath.
Qualification M.A.(Geography),M.Ed.,SET, D.S.M.
Experience 12 Years
Scale of Pay AS per UGC Norms
Resume resume

Name Ms. Pujari Sonali Dhondiram.
Qualification M.Sc.(Physics),M.Ed.,SET,NET, D.S.M.
Experience 12 Years
Scale of Pay AS per UGC Norms
Resume resume

Name Ms. Nirbhavane Suvarna Ganpat
Qualification M.A.(Hindi),M.Ed.,NET,SET.
Experience 5 Years
Scale of Pay AS per UGC Norms
Resume resume

Name Ms.Gavit Vidya Dasu
Qualification M.A.(History), M.Ed., M.Phil ,SET.
Experience 5 Years
Scale of Pay AS per UGC Norms
Resume resume

Name Dr. Pawar Madura Anant.
Qualification B.Sc.,M.A.(Sociology),M.Ed.,SET,Ph.D., D.S.M.
Experience 16 Years
Scale of Pay AS per UGC Norms
Resume resume

Name Mr. Bhalerao Shailesh
Qualification M.A.(History) B.ED M.Ed, NET,SET DSM.
Experience 3 Years
Scale of Pay AS per UGC Norms
Resume resume

Name Librarian Mrs. Sawant Lata Rajendra
Qualification B.Com.,M.Lib.,SET.
Experience 13 Years
Scale of Pay AS per UGC Norms
Resume resume

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